During the last two weeks I was able to tie up all loose ends of my travel preparations. I have a backup credit card, I have travel health insurance and I had amazon sent the lonely planet “Eastern Europe” edition to my friends house. Now it sits in my rucksack and I am feeling ready to go East, and so is my friend. He is starting on a tour with his rock band today and his first two gigs are in Nuremberg and Prague, which is like the perfect direction for me to start my tour through Eastern Europe. So I follow his invitation to join his band as band support for 2 days...

Life as band support proves very intensive, but fun. Lots of good and loud music, lots of carrying heavy amplifiers and speakers, and very short nights because concerts always run till late in the night and in the morning you have to head to next location. The second night I am so tired, I fall asleep when the headliner plays, and they were not the quiet kind of guys!
On Tuesday morning I say goodbye to my friend and his band. They are moving on to Germany and I will stay in Prague for another week, my first stop in Eastern Europe.
Great you came along!