My accommodation in Prague happens to be a little bit away from the town centre because I picked some place quite cheap. The nice thing about being based away from the centre is – and I realise this only now – that you get a chance to see what the city is like away from the touristic centre. So on my way downtown I discover this 10-storey concrete building that is full with administration offices, offering a nice and free of charge view of the city from one of the upper floors. It is from there that I spot the unbelievable: a public footpath crossing all tracks of Prague´s central train station. Without barriers or lights warning of approaching trains – use it at your own risk!

Downtown Prague, you can explore the city on everything you can imagine, like horse-drawn carriages, vintage cars, self-balancing electric 2-wheelers or this bike – if you want to call it that – which sits seven people all facing each other. Being a bicycle fanatic, I wanted to have a go on it but with the only other people showing interest being Italians, the owner only runs sightseeing tours in Italian language.

Exploring the city by foot, I came to a place where once a giant Stalin sculpture watched over the city. It has been gone for a long time and the place acts now as a hangout for Prague´s skating kids and graffiti artists.

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