About Me

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I spent the best part of the last 10 years in contracted research in the UK and The Netherlands and am now planing to settle down in Germany. But before I do that it is time for some adventure. Inspired by Rolf Potts' “Vagabonding“ I decided to have a look around in Eastern Europe and, budget permitting, around the Mediterranean sea. I will use this blog in the coming months to share my travel experiences and experiences from life on the road.

This map shows how far I have got so far. If you wonder about the different colours... blue are places where I stayed for at least one night, red markers are day trips and yellow shows my current location.

Vagabonding times auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

24. April - Prague (part2)

Today I spent a day on the tram to explore the city a bit more but also to go out to the city perimeter. One thing I noticed is that people make good use of the many rubbish bins that are everywhere and so the city centre is pretty clean. As soon as you leave the immediate centre however, you start seeing graffitis, even on those beautiful houses.

Moving towards the perimeter, the graffiti density increases but on the ground it is still very clean everywhere.

At the end of tram line 17 I enter one of these concrete tower housing estates. Getting of the tram I heard some music coming from around the corner and I thought I should watch so I dont end up in the arms of a youth gang. But far from it. The music turned out to come from a small beer garden where the locals hang out to enjoy beer and snacks. Also, the whole area looked pretty grim when approaching it with the tram, because all you see nothing but concrete blocks with small windows, and there are thousands of it. But if you make the effort to take a closer look you will notice plenty of space between the tower blocks, filled with hedges, trees and playgrounds. So in the end it didnt seem such a bad place after all - in fact I found it a very peaceful place with a relaxing atmosphere thanks to the lack of tourists - and the people living out here (obviously not the richest ones) just enjoy what they have.

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